About Joost
Joost Backer is Senior Consultant with 5+ years of experience driving sustainability transitions. As part of the Organizations and Sector Strategy team at NewForesight, he primarily works in and on agricultural commodity supply chains with up- and downstream players in sectors such as coffee, natural rubber, tea, palm oil, cotton, and cocoa.
His clients include:
· Multi-stakeholder partnerships, ISEAL members, standard owners
· International supply chain companies
· Governments at national and regional level
· Development institutions such as IDH and GIZ
For these organizations, Joost creates value in the form of market reports, strategy & business model innovation, partnership brokering, supply chain policies, benchmark and assurance reviews, living income benchmarking, and more – all guided by strong project management and natural people’s skills.
Next to devoting his time to sustainability consultancy, Joost has founded Correspondents of the World: a platform to foster understanding by sharing personal stories on environment, migration, gender, among others. In addition to this, Joost loves to compose and perform piano songs.
Prior to joining NewForesight, Joost was part of the creation of the Code Social Enterprises: a principle-based certification system to recognize social enterprises in the Netherlands.
Joost holds an MSc in Political Economy from the University of Amsterdam. He speaks English, Dutch, Spanish, French and German. He is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Examples of work
(1) Business case analysis to understand the P&Ls of 200,000 cotton
farmers in Chad and increase sustainable production. IDH SDM Case Study (2021).
(2) In-depth research to identify how to improve working conditions and
wage levels in the coffee, tea and banana sector. ILO / Rainforest Alliance
(2021). https://www.newforesight.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/210917-Wages-and-working-conditions-in-tea_NewForesight.pdf
(3) Convening the coffee sector to build a Public-Private Task Force and
drive sustainable market transformation on living income, deforestation and
other topics (2019-2020). https://www.ico.org/documents/cy2019-20/ed-2340e-launch-coffee-public-private-task-force.pdf
(4) Transition-analysis to identify the necessary interventions to
accelerate the green protein transition in the Netherlands. Stichting DOEN –
Voorlopen in de eiwittransitie (2019). https://www.newforesight.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/NewForesight-Voorlopen-in-de-Eiwittransitie-Transitie-analyse-2.pdf
(5) Report ‘Sustainable Palm Oil: Europe’s Business’ (2022) for IDH,
EPOA and RSPO. https://palmoilalliance.eu/report-sustainable-palm-oil-europes-business-published/
(6) Academic study on how to improve the ecosystem of social
entrepreneurship in the Netherlands (2019), https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SEJ-04-2019-0025/full/html
(7) Halting Deforestation by 2030: Key Success Factors That Help You
Integrate the Landscape Approach in your Sourcing (2021), https://www.newforesight.com/halting-deforestation-by-2030/
· (8) Correspondents of the World,
Founder and Director (2019 till now): https://correspondentsoftheworld.com/
Joost Backer
Halting Deforestation by 2030
Joost Backer
Accelerating the Sustainability Transition in the Built Environment
Joost Backer
What other sectors can learn from palm oil (and vice versa)