Rainforest Alliance: Evaluation of Sustainability Differential and Sustainability Investments (SD/SI)

Request: RA requested external support to assess and monitor the impact of SD/SI payments on producers’ ability to meet their sustainability commitments and to evaluate the extent to which SD/SI:

  1. helps to operationalize the principle of “shared responsibility in supply chains”,
  2. are effective policy instruments, and
  3. contribute to creating accountability to all stakeholders in terms of making a difference to producers, workers, and the environment.

Activities: NewForesight built an understanding of how SD/SI worked by reviewing RA’s Theory of Change and translating evaluations questions into hypotheses to be tested, and provided insights on the sector differences in application and roll-out of SD/SI. We also developed a robust evaluation design based upon the Theory of Change, evaluation questions and data availability. This included a risk analysis and assessing validity threats as well as determining the most suitable research methodology. This work culminated in the delivery of inception and baseline evaluation reports.

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