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we tackle sustainability challenges with
stakeholder partnerships
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we understand that
SUSTAINABle transitions
mean business
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Multi-Stakeholder partnerships

The world is in transition. The challenges are numerous: climate change, water shortage, land degradation, and social inequality are only but a few factors our global supply chains are concerned with globally. These challenges are systemic, rarely act in isolation and do not stop at sectoral and jurisdictional boundaries. Tackling these problems requires long-term, multi-dimensional, and successful collaboration with a wide spectrum of stakeholders.

Sustainability partnerships have a vital role to play in managing sustainability transitions. 

What are multi-stakeholder partnerships?

A sustainability partnership is a collaboration between different groups towards solving a common/shared problem, while nonetheless having differing interests or ‘stakes’. There are many types of sustainability partnerships and they often bear similar names: multi-stakeholder partnerships, alliances, benchmarks, platforms, roundtables.

For many sustainability partnerships, the transitions they aim to accelerate will feel new, unique, and sometimes overwhelming. In fact, while they are increasingly recognized as key vehicles for any sustainability transition, many of them are far from (fully) delivering on their potential impact. Just agreeing to work together is no guarantee for success. How sustainability partnerships are designed and subsequently managed greatly influence how successful they are in bringing shared value. 

How can NewForesight support you?

We have 15+ years of experience with creating and improving sustainability partnerships. We can help you with a wide range of topics any sustainability partnership struggles with.   

• Identifying the right strategy

• Defining your services

• Creating a membership model

• Structuring your governance 

• Improving your certification & assurance 

• Integrate risk-based monitoring & evaluation

We offer support that is tailored to your organization, including inspiration sessions, strategic reviews, building monitoring & evaluation frameworks, facilitation, partnership brokering, and more.

We would be happy to support you or brainstorm on ideas to improve your sustainability partnership.
Contact the Leads of our work on sustainability partnerships work, Laure Heilbron and Joost Backer. 

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