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About Organizational Transformation

Any organization (business, government, NGO or other) which is looking to improve their effectiveness in sustainability transitions. Whether your ambition is to be a sustainability front-runner or a solid follower, whether you are just starting or well advanced already, you will need a solid strategy and execution. We help to strengthen your organization and increase your impact in driving for sustainability.  

Do you struggle with questions such as:

  • What is our role and positioning versus the transition(s) in our sector?
  • How do we align values and behavior, organize our activities, monitor and steer our contribution?
  • How do we keep everybody engaged, even when the going gets tough?
  • How do we manage sustainability while balancing vs other objectives?
  • How do we develop our capabilities in analyzing & managing transitions?

What We Offer

Just like underlying systemic structures drive the outcome in economic sectors, visible and invisible forces in your organization drive the impact of your organization.  Just like with NewForesight’s sector approach, we help you identify the key elements which determine your success and address them in a concerted effort.

We can support you to optimize or transform your organization. Together with us you can inspire and create urgency, diagnose and develop your strategy, and implement and monitor interventions. 


Inspiration sessions

Do you want to create energy and understanding in your organization about systems change, and explore what such an approach could do for your organization?

  • We offer inspiration workshops on a variety of topics, from systems thinking to transition management and benchmarking.
  • Our workshops are designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to tackle sustainability challenges head-on.
  • Inspiration sessions can take the form of a workshop, presentation or interactive session like our Bee The Change game.


In-house training

Do you want to develop the skills of your employees in addressing sustainability challenges?

  • Our trainings can be tailored to your organization, ranging from a 1-day introduction to full training programs.
  • Provide participants with a combination of theoretical background and practical application skills to understand complex challenges at a deeper level and apply this on the job.
  • Our acclaimed TransMission framework will provide a shared language which will improve the quality of interaction within your organization.


Organization Quickscan

Are you convinced that your organization should do more to align on sustainability but just not managing to make that next step?

  • Organization change is a transition in itself, which goes through phases.
  • Understand your organization’s current position, the forces at work and the barriers and opportunities.
  • Clear recommendations for moving your organization in the desired direction and connect strategy & execution effectively.


Developing tools & practices

Do you see the benefit of adopting a systems approach to sustainability in your organization, but are you struggling to integrate it into daily practices?

  • Organization change is driven by actual change in behavior in daily operations.
  • Create simple and effective tools which integrate with your processes.
  • Develop tangible ways for your employees to contribute to your mission.


Coaching and mentoring

Are you managing your organizational change yourself, but are you looking for a mentor or coach to bounce and test ideas on?

  • Our change experts can help you reflect, provide the necessary outside-in perspective and experience from other organizations and sectors.
  • Provide expertise on organizational change and sustainability.


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