Launch of the food-for-discussion paper “A Pathway to Plant our Future”


How can we create a better balance between plant-based and animal sourced food consumption and production in the European Union? What would that mean for your organization?

“We believe the answers can be found in the latest insights on transitions theories, consolidated in TransMission,” says Lucas Simons, CEO of NewForesight, “and I’m very proud we have captured this in the groundbreaking discussion paper “Plant our Future” that is launched.

“This paper is written by Newforesight and initiated by European Alliance for Plant-based FoodsHealthy Food Healthy Planet and Transitiecoalitie Voedsel”, says Maarten Tuinhof, co-author of the paper Plant the Future. “It underlines both the importance and the high effectiveness of transitioning towards more plant-based food systems. The paper sets forth what we can learn from transition theories and the ongoing transition in the Netherlands, on how to accelerate this crucial paradigm shift in the EU.”

“The Dutch example shows that the transition to plant based can be accelerated. This can be replicated in other countries,” adds Laure Heilbron, Principal Food Transitions at NewForesight.

To accelerate the transition within the EU, it is of the utmost importance to better understand the separate transitions in its member states. The paper introduces a blueprint which serves as a fundament for these transition analyses. Download your copy of Whitepaper Plant our Future now.


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