International Coffee Organization: Convening the private sector towards the landmark London Declaration and Coffee Public-Private Task Force

The request: NewForesight was tasked to answer the question: how can the International Coffee Organization build a structural, public-private dialogue on the long-term sustainability of the coffee sector?

Key activities:

  • Mobilized key roasters, traders, CSOs and other coffee stakeholders towards a shared Declaration for the long-term sustainability of the coffee sector
  • Organized first-ever CEO and Global Leaders Forum that convened governments and the private sector around a common coffee agenda (e.g. living income, deforestation)
  • We then built the roadmap and operationalized the sustainability principles of the Declaration into an actionable, multi-annual roadmap
  • Designed the organizational structure (Technical Workstreams) around key sustainability themes, incl Terms of Reference and resources required.

Our value: Numerous positive outcomes were generated from our work with ICO on this partnership.

  • The Coffee Public-Private Task Force obtained funding from key private sector actors, donors, and government institutions. Governments, companies and CSOs actors took charge of each Technical Workstream: living income, market transparency, policies and institutions, resilient coffee landscapes, sector coordination and inclusion of women and youth.
  • The Coffee Public-Private Task Force has commissioned living income benchmark studies in 20+ countries. Other areas of work include: interventions to close living income gaps, create resilient coffee landscapes, and drive inclusivity.
  • For years to come, the CPPTF will remain the main space where public and private actors advance sustainability themes.

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