The request: Bonsucro requested NewForesight to identify feasible benchmarking methodologies to include a decent or living wage benchmark in Bonsucro’s Production Standard.
Activities: We performed necessary research to amend existing and propose additional indicators on providing a decent wage indicator together with the guidance for auditing such indicators. NewForesight conducted a thorough review of existing living wage and decent work benchmarking methodologies that could function as a decent work benchmark methodology in Bonsucro’s Production Standard (NB: This was before NewForesight had developed a Living Wage Benchmarking methodology). We quantified the impact of adopting different benchmarking methodologies and developed guidance for how to integrate living wage requirement into Bonsucro Standard. Published a report for use in stakeholder consultation on a revised Production Standard.
We then ranked the highest scoring methodologies for Bonsucro based on their geographies, sugarcane sector, resource-intensity and credibility.