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we drive the transition
to a
sustainable economy
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we understand that
SUSTAINABle transitions
mean business
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What we do

We believe that sustainable transitions can be managed and offer many business opportunities. You can benefit from these opportunities while making a credible impact.

NewForesight drives transitions towards sustainable economies. Since 2008, we have partnered with leading businesses, governments, civil society organizations and multi-stakeholder platforms to power transitions in over 35 sectors and 45 countries. From transitions in agriculture, social and economic empowerment, infrastructure and the built environment, energy and circularity.

Our services cover the complete sustainability journey: from inspiring the change, diagnosing the current state, strategizing the plan, to implementing the changes, and assessing the impact of your sustainability efforts.

Benefits for our clients

NewForesight has been creating sustainable business opportunities for its clients since 2008. This is how you benefit from our expertise: 

  • A strong team that understands that sustainable transitions mean business.
  • Recognized, scientific thought leadership on transitions models and systems change strategies.
  • Access to our unique market-based tooling and models. 
  • A global network of partners, business universities, etc. 
  • Support for your complete sustainability journey, from inspiration to impact to value.

The TransMission framework is an integrated, complete, and hands-on transition framework to accelerate mission-driven transitions. It’s based on decades of scientific research and real-life practice in multiple global transitions. At the very core, TransMission states that a transition process consists of four important elements, translating to what needs to be done, and who has what role to play.


Interested to know more about the TransMission Framework?

Download the TransMission e-book to get to know the full framework!

Our team

Laure Heilbron

Managing Director

Daniel Viviers-Rasmussen


Edgar Schwandt

Senior Consultant

Pauline Smout


Client cases

Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Roadmaps for climate neutral and circular infrastructure

Organic Cotton Accelerator

Accelerating organic cotton through the supply chains of leading apparel brands

Swiss Contact & Sahaj

Developing a Portfolio Management Tool and Impact Database

PIANOo, the Expertise center Procurement of the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

Governmental Socially Responsible procurement as an incentive for Sustainable Market Transformation.  

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